Shaker Anitanola emails (which I am publishing with her permission): "To round out this extremely difficult day, here's a report about our country being ranked among suspect nations in human trafficking. Maude bless Hillary Clinton."
On Monday, the State Department released its 10th annual report on "Trafficking in Persons," which assesses the efforts that 177 countries are undertaking to combat human trafficking, or "modern day slavery." For the first time, the U.S. has been listed as a "suspect nation" in an analysis that experts describe as "candid" and "doesn't pull any punches."After eight years of the Bush regime, I still can't believe we've got people in office who want to acknowledge this nation's failures and work to fix them.
"Human trafficking is not someone else's problem," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said. "Involuntary servitude is not something we think or hope doesn't exist in our own communities."
Particularly failures that affect so many women and children.
Read the whole thing here.
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