NY Archbishop Undermines Message of Gay-Friendly Parish

Oh, Catholic Church—you never cease to amaze.

For 12 years, parishioners from the gay-friendly St. Francix Xavier Roman Catholic Church in NYC have marched in NYC's Gay Pride Parade with a banner and pamphlets advertising that their parish is welcoming of same-sex couples. But this year, they marched with a blank banner after Archbishop Timothy Dolan told the church's pastor, Reverend Joe Costantino, to keep the church's name out of it.

But it's not because the Catholic Church hates gay people! No, no no—it's because the good archbishop was merely "concerned the church might be seen as endorsing some elements of the gay pride march that may advocate a promiscuous lifestyle."

Parishioners decided to march with a blank banner and t-shirts bearing the church's name instead. The archbishop had no comment.

In all honesty, I don't understand being so culturally connected to Catholicism (or any religion, or any organization) that I would abide such contemptible treatment to stay affiliated with the agents of my marginalization. But I understand that there are people who are that connected, and I hope their admirably saucy insolence brings them some measure of satisfaction after what I imagine was another devastating blow in the fight against ostracization from one of the most intractably homophobic institutions on the planet.

Just like Jesus always wanted for Pride month.

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