Do you have any phobias (that you're willing to admit to publicly)?
Please note that a phobia is an irrational or excessive fear response, which necessarily has a subjective component.
So, being afraid of bees, if you're allergic to them, isn't necessarily a phobia.
Of course, in my case, it is. I am deathly allergic to bee stings (and those of hornets/wasps/other WMD*), which would mean hey, no phobia if I'm just sort of intelligently cautious: keep my injector near, inform people of where it is if I can't carry it and am outside (e.g., when I play soccer, my handfasting), don't hang out in flowery gardens, that kind of thing.
But when one responds as I do, typically with a great deal of literal flailing about and tossing of nearby objects and shrieking and frequently much running and jumping and throwing of self into bodies of water and requesting of police officers to please shoot shoot shoot into my car which I have abandoned in the middle of the Bloor Viaduct because there's OMM ONE OF THOSE @*(&@(*ING THINGS IN IT SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT...well, what you've got there's a phobia, ma'am.
I literally sprayed the entire goal area of the soccer field I was playing on last year with some kind of keepaway spray, because there were a lot of bees around and I was standing in goal in a flourescent orange shirt with long sleeves and green highlights. And our backup keeper was even more scared than me. Never doubt my devotion to my teammates. :)
I like to call it apiphobia, because hanging out here, I'm clearly no melissophobe.
What's yours?
* Wingthings of Me Destruction.
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