Rinse. Repeat.

[Trigger warning for clergy abuse and joking about rape.]

Some dingaling with buttplugs for brains* writes a glib comment about a priest who allegedly "inappropriately touched" women and girls for as long as four decades:
This is sad to say, but it's almost refreshing to read about a priest accused of good, old-fashioned heterosexual perviness.

The dreadful stuff between priests and boys has been going on for so long that I almost forgot that some priests have more mainstream sexual hangups.

Again, I say, it's time for a married priesthood.
Ho ho ho.

There's so much wrong there in those three short sentence, I could spend the next two hours unpacking all the rape culture narratives that got pinged—that sexual assault is just "perviness," that sexual assault of women/girls is just a "mainstream sexual hangup," that priests who target children exclusively target boys or girls, that if we don't hear about female victims there must not be any, that there's such a thing as "good, old-fashioned" sexual assault, that married men don't sexually assault anyone, etc. etc. etc.—but what's most disturbing is the author's contention that it could be "refreshing" to read about the sexual assault of women/girls (or anyone else) for any reason.

Of course you already know what happens next, don't you?

People with a modicum of decency quite rightly call out the columnist for his incomprehensibly flippant remark.

Columnist responds with classic non-apology, which wouldn't even be necessary if survivors and/or anti-rape advocates weren't such humorless assholes:
If you have to explain humor, it has failed. My attempt here at some sardonic humor has obviously failed with a number of readers. I apologize. No offense was intended -- except toward pervy priests of any persuasion.
See, the thing is, jokes that diminish the gravity of sexual assault don't offend predators; they offend victims. Perpetrators are perfectly happy to have torpid, incurious, disconnected wankstains perpetuate an environment in which they can create more victims every day, because we can't be bothered to take sexual assault seriously.


* With my apologies to buttplugs.

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