Rush was outraged. He was disgusted. "God, this is just — we can't escape these people." How could they? How could they think that these millions of kids' parents "are so rotten that they will let their kids go hungry and starve, unless the schools take care of it"?
Thankfully, there's a bright side, Rush reassured his listeners.
You know, one of the benefits of school being out, in addition to your kids losing weight because they're starving to death out there because there's no school meal being provided, one of the benefits of school being out, college campi being vacant this time of year, is that our audience levels go up.This beneficial event could permit the ever-compassionate Limbaugh to help out on the hunger front by adding a new segment to his show on Where to Find Food, he muses. Rush's suggestions, both entertaining and practical, start with the cupboards and fridges in the kids' own homes, where
most likely you're going to find Ding-Dongs, Twinkies, Lays ridgy potato chips, all kinds of dips and maybe a can of corn that you don't want, but it will be there.Not digging those goodies, kids? Try McDonalds — hell, dial 911 and ask for Obama!
Finally, if these picky eaters can't satisfy their little bellies by following any of those amusing suggestions, there's always dumpster-diving from now 'til school is back in session, advises Rush. You needn't thank him for providing these public-spirited tips. He's only too pleased to do it.
Media Matters has the audio/video from Limbaugh's radio show — if you can stomach it.
(Via the raw story)
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