Speak for Yourself

Ugh, Roland Martin, please do shut up.

Anyone who says that "soccer will never be a dominant sport in America" without even a passing mention of the demographic shift currently taking place in the US, largely due to immigration from soccer-loving nations, is a bozo.

Especially someone who's a Texas native.

I thought I loved soccer when I was a teenager and regularly went with some soccer-loving friends to see Chicago Power games. And then I went to college in Chicago, and I worked as an instructor at an ESL (English as a Second Language) school for adult immigrants, and had students from all over the world, but mostly from Mexico and Central and South America, all of whom* loved soccer like whoa. And their kids loved soccer like whoa. And their kids will probably love soccer like whoa, too. Just like my immigrant husband does.

Personally, I suspect soccer will be "a dominant sport in America" just as soon as ESPN and its advertisers figure out how to make shitballs of money on a game that doesn't allow for regular commercial breaks.

[H/T to Iain.]


* Not really "all." Just not like "all" USians dislike soccer.

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