There's a new Rasmussen poll out that indicating more people think Hillary Clinton is qualified to be president than Obama. She also beats out Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Sarah Palin.
The breakdown:
57% of responders Clinton is qualified to be president, with 34% saying she's not.
Obama earned a 51% for, and 44% against, squeaking just two points above Romney who pulled in a whopping 49% (whut?!) responders saying he's qualified. 32% said no way, and another 20% were unsure. Okay.
Gingrich tips the scales the other way pulling in more nos than yeses: 35% said he's qualified for the presidency, and 48% disagreeing.
Palin, however only pulled in 26%, with more than double, 61%, saying she was unfit to be president.
Funny, the first thing that came to mind when I read the numbers, was the memory of how Clinton spent most of the primary season being told to drop out of the race. For the good of the party. For the good of the country. Which, really, isn't funny at all.
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