King said that under only one circumstance does he support amnesty for illegal immigrants: "Every time we give amnesty for an illegal alien, we deport a liberal."Which, apart from being a "joke" about the sort of thing that underlies civil wars and genocides, doesn't even make any fucking sense, since Latin@s, who comprise the majority of the US's undocumented workers, are an increasingly liberal voting bloc, in no small part because of bullshit precisely like this.
Just like everything else in his head, Rep. King's math is wrong.
Meanwhile, Digby notes the irony that the organizer of the event where King made the statement says "the goal of the movement is to unite America the way it was immediately following the 2001 terrorist attacks." (Rep. King is a uniter, not a divider! Unless you're a liberal. Then divide yourself to fuck, lefty trash!) And Atrios has a lolsobful comment about the nostalgia for that time of national unity.
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