In a ruling more in keeping with the slow construction of a conservative utopia where all your problems can be solved by an invisible hand holding a gun, SCOTUS also ruled this morning that Chicago's handgun law is unconstitutional because, according to the Court's majority, "It is clear that the Framers…counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty."
And that's still relevant 200 years later, despite the fact that the Framers, as ingenuous as they were, did not envision a country of 300 million+ people where almost everyone is literate and almost every adult can vote. Nor did they imagine handguns, which didn't fucking exist.
I'm too aggravated to write a thoughtful post about this decision, so I'm going to go ahead and direct you in Echidne's direction, where, as ever, the thoughtfulness flows like a river of flowy liquid thoughts.
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