The Bird Heard Round the World

by Shaker Abra

Hey, Shakers! If you're having a bad day, maybe this will cheer you up.

Three years ago, I got something I didn't order: it was this weird wooden bird thing with feathers attached. When we pulled it out of the box, both of us said, "Oh my GOD. What the fuck IS it?!"

So then I asked some internet friends what I should do with this thing. Responses ranged all over the map, but the consensus was, "let's mail it around to each other, take pics, and post them on a website".

So we did. And here is the result. So far, anyway.

The bird's going to Canada, Finland, and Australia next. The bird will continue to fly.

I hope this puts a smile on your face. We're not perfect, but it sure makes us happy!

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