[Video Description: Dudz peeks around the couch. Liss whispers, "Whatcha doin'?" and kisses at him. "You goin' upstairs?" Dudz ducks behind the couch. Cut to Dudz walking up the stairs; he stops and sniffs at something, then continues to the top, looking down at Liss to make sure she's paying attention to what a GOOD BOY he is. Cut to Tilsy galumphing down the stairs. Cut to Dudz trotting back down the stairs. He wanders around the couch into the living room, where Livs and Sophs are eating treats. Liss says "Sit!" but he's discovered a treat on the floor and eats it up. "Can you sit?" Dudz lies down next to Livs and looks up at Liss, who says, "Oh, what a good boy."]
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