Daily Dose o' Cute

Video Description: Dudley being silly and playful, doing the greyhound spin. He does this almost every day when Iain gets home, before they go on their evening walk, and occasionally before we head out to the dog park. He won't do it at the dog park—only in a small space, which apparently makes it much more fun!

Also more fun: When I march in a circle and hum. When I act like he's not even there (i.e. not looking at him, sans camera), he goes absolutely wild play-bowing and trying to get my attention. Loop-Chase with Iain is also a huge hit.

Olivia watches this all with great interest (from her perch in the background). Matilda usually strolls away disgusted by such a display of undignified buffoonery, and Sophie is still trying to figure out how to get involved in all the fun spinning!

Still pix of doggie-boy and the girls are below the fold.

"Welcome to my cat condo. May I offer you a mimosa?"

"What the fuck is he doing?"
"I have no idea."

Sophs and KBlogz confab about an important business venture.


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