Daily Dose o'Cute

The reason why Alfie is smiling so nicely is because he has finally mastered the evil stairs! He is also starting to come out of his shell a bit, spending more time with us outside of his crate. Today is his first checkup with our vet, so we're looking forward to hearing about a clean bill of health!

But check out this little nugget of awesome:

I was interested in what Alfie's racing career was like before we adopted him, and I heard there were places online where you could find this info. Sure enough, the site of choice is Greyhound-Data. This site is basically an international registry of all known racers, going back several decades. Searching by his racing name, Stay Away Joe, I found a lot of information about him. In addition to his racing stats (124 races - yikes!), they list his family tree going back 5 generations.

Just for shits and grins I decided to look up Dudley on the same site by his racing name, Mulberry Judd. So, while looking at Dudz's family tree I noticed something completely unbelievable:

Alfie and Dudley share the same ancestry 5 generations back through two sires and one dam from Ireland!! They're totally cousins!!

How wild is that?!

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