A citizen of the Internet has a very different experience. The Internet smashes hierarchy and is not marked by deference. Maybe it would be different if it had been invented in Victorian England, but Internet culture is set in contemporary America. Internet culture is egalitarian. The young are more accomplished than the old. The new media is supposedly savvier than the old media. The dominant activity is free-wheeling, disrespectful, antiauthority disputation.Regardless of whether Brooks is correct about the egalitarian nature of the 'net (hint: he's not, see also: Liss moments ago), the important thing to note is that Brooks is arguing that this is a bad thing.
I don't advocate playing by Mr. Brooks' rules, but if you'll indulge me: Mr. Brooks, I, and not you, have completed a Ph.D., and suggest that you should defer to me. Do STFU. On a similar note, Dr. Paul Krugman is still a Noble laureate.
*Look at me, I'm on the internet* intentionally not capitalizing words that the American Heritage Dictionary says I should. Anarchy, wheeeeeee! Run for the hills!
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