It was truly the most abysmal episode since the [TW] "create something shocking" challenge, for plethoric reasons, not least of which was the scarred body of a fat man of color being insistently called a suitable palette upon which to build a representation of hell by a thin white woman.
The title of this episode is "Opposites Attract," and the challenge was "Opposing Themes." With six
The opposites were: Heaven and hell, chaos and control, and male and female.
[Insert sound of record scratching here.]
Who the fuck is producing this show—John Gray?!
Male and female are NOT FUCKING OPPOSITES—and defining them in contradistinction to one another is essentially the very thing that underlies the subjugation of anyone who isn't a straight cis alpha male. For a show that continually pats itself on the back for being "progressive" and "boundary-pushing," they would have been hard-pressed to find a more retrofuck, small-minded, oppressive set of "opposites" than the TOTES NOT-OPPOSITE male and female bookends of the regressive and repressive gender binary.
Don't even get me started on what those two dipshits actually produced for "male and female."
P.S. Miles is a terrible, terrible human being.
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