God Hates Jedi

I am a firm believer in the philosophy of fighting batshittery with good-natured humor. And I am glad to see that not only am I not alone, but I have an entire movement behind me: Nerdom.
They've faced down humans time and time again, but Fred Phelps and his minions from the Westboro Baptist Church were not ready for the cosplay action that awaited them today at Comic-Con. After all, who can win against a counter protest that includes robots, magical anime girls, Trekkies, Jedi and...kittens?

Unbeknownst to the dastardly fanatics of the Westboro Baptist Church, the good folks of San Diego's Comic-Con were prepared for their arrival with their own special brand of superhuman counter protesting chanting "WHAT DO WE WANT" "GAY SEX" "WHEN DO WE WANT IT" "NOW!" while brandishing ironic (and some sincere) signs. Simply stated: The eclectic assembly of nerdom's finest stood and delivered.

[Transcript by Liss below.]

There are a lot more pictures here at Comics Alliance.
Text onscreen: Comics Alliance. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church were outside Comic-Con 2010 protesting the event. They were met by counter-protesting comic book fans.

Video of counter-protestors holding up hand-drawn signs and chanting (I think) "We love comics."

White dude standing with white lady: We're here with writer Gail Simone, who showed up to check out the protests.

Inaudible crosstalk.

Simone, gesturing at the counter-protestors: I think it's awesome, this side. The other side, not so awesome. They infuriate me greatly, to be that prejudiced, to be that vile, towards other human beings, while saying they're for, you know, human beings—it just makes me furious. This side awesome, that side horrific.

Video of Simone posing for pictures with some counter-protestors.

White dude standing with another white dude dressed as Jesus: We're here outside the Fred Phelps Westboro Baptist Church protest with Jesus [Jesus gives the thumbs-up]. Jesus, any thoughts on the protest going on?

Jesus: Fred's got issues. [White dude nods and grins.]

Video of marching counter-protestors.

White dude standing with Jesus: Who do you think would win in a fight between Fred Phelps and (I think) Batman?

Jesus: [Laughs] Well, unfortunately, Batman is not real; Fred is.

Video of counter-protestors.

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