[The "gun-in-church" bill] authorizes persons who qualified to carry concealed weapons having passed the training and background checks to bring them to churches, mosques, synagogues or other houses of worship as part of a security force.Um. Okay.
To defend against whom, I can't imagine. Especially since the last bit of gun violence inside a church in the US that I recall was the murder of Dr. George Tiller, and, before that, the shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, both of which were about conservatives seeking out progressives whose political views/actions they didn't like. And it ain't progressives who were lobbying for this law.
Jindal also signed some stupid shit—like a law outlawing "synthetic marijuana-like incense products"—and chipped away at Roe by signing into law a bill "requiring women to get an obstetric ultrasound before an abortion," which makes the implicit invocation of Dr. Tiller by the other law somehow that much more painful.
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