Good $TIME_PERIOD, Shakers. The fallout continues to come from the shocking behaviour of Canadian police around the G20 summit in Toronto a couple of weeks ago.
For today, we have good news. A lawyer in Toronto (David Midanik) has put his firm to taking on some of the task of instigating legal challenges around the violations of the Canadian Constitution and Charter of Rights, and he's looking for help in making the case. He's asking for help from the public with reports of violations of the Charter, media recordings (video, stills, and/or sound), and most especially people willing to testify to their experiences.
Also, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association has posted an article explaining the various means by which Charter violations and complaints can be reported (Charter rights which are not, by the way, restricted to Canadians; anyone in Canada is entitled to protection under the Charter).
If you have any other links by which people can file complaints or take action over violation of Charter rights, please drop them in comments.
* Cette article est aussi disponible en français.
Tip of the CaitieCap to Eric L.
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