While Corporate America, owners of the Republican Party, conduct their delicate dance of funding and promoting the latest incarnation of the Know Nothings in the form of Tea Partiers, while continuing to support their own unfettered access to the labor of undocumented immigrants kept in a legal limbo which makes them easy to manipulate and mistreat, their takeover of the Democratic Party proceeds apace.
Paul Krugman (smart guy! they even gave him a prize for it) notes in his blog that George Stephanopoulos said today on Good Morning, America that an official of the Obama White House told him "what we need to get businesses investing is for business to know that the government has stopped".
In particular, Krugman interprets this to mean, stopped spending and stopped regulating business, which seems to cover everything beyond imprisoning people and fighting wars. In short, Rand Paul's lifelong wet dream *(as long as the government continues to regulate women's bodies, and who among us doubts they will?)
Krugman points out that this is "garbage", while also noting that administration economists know it's garbage. But apparently on the political side of the Obama White House are those who fully support the Corporate Republican position that President Obama's job is to make them happy, and that he must do so by using his control of the U.S. government to halt its functioning.
There may be one thing this administration has been spectacularly successful at — sucking all the meaning out of the words 'hope' and 'change'.
*Edited to note the one regulatory function which neither Paul nor the Obama White House seems willing to give up.
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