I don't think this needs a long post. I will point out that the article should carry a trigger warning for transphobic language.
NY Times "Ethicist"* Randy Cohen says that trans people not outing ourselves on the first date with someone is "discreditable".
I say that encouraging trans people to out themselves to strangers is "discreditable", in much the same way that encouraging two-year-olds to play on major highways at rush hour is "discreditable".
I trust Shakers don't need to be told about the murder rate for trans people (and especially trans POC), or how that murder rate is driven by the "panic" defence, or how repellent it is to suggest that it's appropriate to "panic" when confronted by someone's trans-identified past.
Opposing Views has a response here; Dr. Jillian Weiss has a response here.
You can write to Randy Cohen, the alleged "ethicist", at ethicist@nytimes.com. Letters to the Editor of the Times can go to letters@nytimes.com.
* Please note, column author is not an ethicist by definition.
Tip of the CaitieCap to the lovely and talented eastsidekate. :)
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