...I'm speaking to my fellow Canadians, here. While the Harpertron* visits flood-ravaged areas of Saskatchewan for the usual photo-opps, and promises assistance, strangely, other flooded areas don't seem to get the same amount of attention.
Now, a cynic would suggest that the secret ingredient of this foul brew is an oldie but a goodie, racism. I'm sure you all know I'm much too nice for that.
I'm sure it's completely coincidence that the Harpertron is visiting areas where white Canadians are the majority, and ignoring the areas where, say, First Nations people** are the majority. Totes coincidental.
Totes post-racial, ain't we, Canada?
Contact your MP (ou ici, en français) to suggest that the PM might show we give a damn about our First Nations citizens too.
* AKA Stephen Harper, our Prime Minister, a white, apparently cisgender and hetero man.
** "People" instead of "Canadians" in this line because not all First Nations people identify as Canadian citizens, rather than because of any doubt on my part: my Canada includes the First Nations.
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