Question of the Day

Inspired by Shaker BrianWS' evangelizing, and because I've been listening all day to "Closer to You" (which I note has the sort of lyrics that one might find meaningful if one is/has been in a long-distance relationship but could also be fairly catalogued under "creepy stalker anthems") by The Wallflowers, who I've always thought to be an underrated band, today's QotD is: What's your favorite band that deserves more attention?

Although I just mentioned The Wallflowers, my top nomination would be Shudder to Think, who are now disbanded but have long been a favorite of mine (thanks to my ex-husband, who was already a huge fan when we met). I have many fond memories of standing in small, smoky clubs swooning mightily as Craig Wedren's undulating vibrato rattled through my chest.

Shudder to Think, "Red House"

[Lyrics here.]

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