[Click to embiggen.]
If you can't view the image, it's a picture of the side of a car wash bearing the words "Support Our Troops" flanked by two American flags. Below, there are three sections. On the left: "WWII: 1939-1945." In the middle, a picture of a coiled rattlesnake labeled "Don't Tread on Me," next to "Vietnam: 1959-1975." On the right: "September 11: 2001-Present."
1. I've no idea why WWI, Korea, the first Gulf War, or any other wars in which the US were involved are not on the wall. Maybe the owner(s) of the business only had family members serve in the referenced conflicts, but it's not like the average passer-by knows that (if it's even the case). The Korean War is known as the Forgotten War (or the Unknown War), and its exclusion is cringe-inducing.
2. "September 11" isn't a war.
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