With respect to Liss' suggestion, I think I've a good candidate too for the worst thing you'll read today, if you live in or travel to the US and have any privacy concerns.
My Google-fu is weak today, so I can't find the link, but I'm pretty sure I wrote about this before, with particular attention to the problems of this technology for trans-identified people, as well as for the public in general. For trans people, this software could lead to a dangerous "outing" in a place where the person cannot avoid it, and with the person unable to even determine whether information has been kept, let alone by whom or for what purpose.
Combine it with the part where trans people are not infrequently killed* after being outed...yeah.
I wonder how much more evidence we need that the "rituals of security" atmosphere in the US has become corrosive of rights to dignity and privacy. And note this isn't just airports: this tech is being used in government buildings, courthouses, all sorts of places that the average public - and disproportionately with courthouses, POC, due to the racism of the justice system - need regular access to.
* Reinforcing the importance of intersectionality, my siblings who die in this way are highly disproportionately POC living with poverty.
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