Daily Dose o' Cute

[Also viewable here.]

[Video description: Scenes of Dudley being all kinds of cute, set to "Can't Help Falling in Love (Live)" from Elvis Presley's Aloha from Hawaii concert.]

As Spudsy mentioned in comments the other day, there are people who say that greyhounds don't have expressive faces. I don't know what greyhounds they've been hanging out with, but they sure haven't been spending time with Lord Dudlington!

Before we adopted Dudley, one of the other things we read about greyhounds is that they are not especially affectionate dogs. Dudz, however, loves cuddles and hugs and belleh rubs; his favorite is when I scratch his rump and drumstricks, lol. He backs his butt up while I'm sitting on the couch and wags his tail and looks over his shoulder at me excitedly. Which isn't the same as a puppeh who will jump into your lap seeking affection (I've had them, too), but it's just as good. Retired racers tend to be a little bit gentler, is all. And he is a champion face-kisser, whether he's nibbling on my chin or greeting Sophs with a sloppy lick.

The truth is, I really couldn't have helped falling in love with Dudley, even if I'd wanted to.

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