Dudz Is Gonna Fly Now

Video Description: Footage of the canine rocket at the dog park at the weekend, set to Bill Conti's "Gonna Fly Now" (aka the theme from Rocky). Plus Dudz running around with Iain, and, for a change, I asked Iain to shoot some video of me with Dudz, so there's some of my fat arse (literally) at the end of this one!

Dudley was full of piss and vinegar at the dog park last weekend. We took him twice, and he was just a blur each day. For five minutes. Then, as always: Collapse. LOL.

I made this for Iain, as it's one of his favorite songs, but since the plumber has arrived to fix our shit, and I'll be otherwise occupied for a bit, I thought I'd share it with the whole class.

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