LOL Sure

CNN: 10 things Obama must do in 10 weeks.

I can't decide which is my favorite part: The juxtaposition of "2. Channel Ronald Reagan: Ronald Reagan, known as the 'great communicator,' put communications front-and-center, [David Morey, a communications expert who advised Obama's 2008 campaign] said," with "3. Propagandize the truth: 'There is a great hunger for leaders who can rise above the political pettiness and tell the truth,' Morey said," as if Reagan's communication style was all about telling the truth, or if I prefer the flat hilarity of:
8. Pay attention to independents

It's necessary to fire up the base, but the independents are the ones with the power to swing the election.

"You are going to have your Republicans that support the Republican candidates. You are going to have the Democrats that support the Democratic candidates. The question really becomes what is the mood of the independents," [Ron Christie, a Republican strategist who worked in the Bush administration from 2001 to 2004] said.

A Gallup poll released last month showed independents are leaning toward Republican candidates by a 12-point margin.

"The current snapshot has a clear message: Democrats should be afraid, very afraid," John Avlon wrote in a column for
Yeah, the BUSH STRATEGIST has a great idea there. Obama should definitely alienate his base and chase those Independents.

Oh. Wait.

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