Ben Quayle, delivered with the most expressionless monotone imaginable: Barack Obama is the worst…president…in history. In my generation, we'll inherit a weakened country, drug cartels in Mexico, tax cartels in DC… What's happened to America? I love Arizona. I was raised right. Somebody has to go to Washington—and knock the hell outta the place. My name's Ben Quayle, and I approve this message.Settle down, Ben. You're going to wake the neighbors.
If I've said it once, I've said it one billion times: When I cast my vote to send someone to Washington to "knock the hell outta the place," I want it to be someone who can accomplish the Sisyphean task of revolutionizing a deeply entrenched political institution with the diabolical fervor of a man possessed by a pocket calculator.
[Via Gabe.]
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