Quote of the Day

"[White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' resignation would] be fair, because this isn't the first time [Gibbs has made untoward and inflammatory comments toward the activist left]. And, again, people of all political shades worked very hard to help the president become the president. Why would he want to go out and deliberately insult the president's base? And why would he confuse legitimate critique with some sort of lack of loyalty. Isn't this what the far right does? Punishes people who are not ideologically aligned with President Bush?"Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, asking some excellent (rhetorical) questions and calling for a request of Gibbs' resignation as a show of good faith by the president that he "doesn't share [Gibbs'] view that the left is unimportant."

UPDATE: Ellison clarifies he is not overtly calling for Gibbs' resignation, but stands by his contention that Gibbs went too far.

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