This is a real thing in the world

[Trigger warning for "ironic" "joking" about dehumanization and violence]

Perfect for when you want everyone to know you're an asshole, but your girlfriend hasn't washed your Toby Keith shirt:

[Picture of a t-shirt that reads "SLAVERY GETS SHIT DONE." Don't worry, though, the text is under a picture of pyramids. Oh, and the person wearing it is black.]

I can verify that this is real. I saw some dude wearing one this weekend when I was out buying jalapeño poppers to soothe my post-Restoring Honor hangover.

Also, Deeky points out that these ironic but-totally-not-ironic assholes also have a Facebook group, for those of you into web 2.0. The page proclaims "if u don't like it i on't care", which un-ironically, is pretty much how slavery works.

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