I don't guess I will surprise anyone here by saying I wholly and enthusiastically support every person's right to define the unique boundaries of their relationship(s), and I do not subscribe to the notion that there is one "right way" to do romantic and/or sexual relationships. I don't even believe romantic partnerships need to be sexual to "count," nor do I believe that romantic partnerships that are sexual need to be monogamous.
But are you shitting me with this shit?
Hill says, that of course it's every woman's right to refuse to have sex when she's not in the mood or has a headache. However, expecting men to cope on their own with no outlet whatsoever is shortsighted and cruel, says Hill.Huh. Now, see, I would argue that having a relationship "according to your man's biology" (sure) is an "outdated social norm." But I'm just kooky that way.
..."If you're talking about sexual needs honestly with your partner, you get better at communicating with each other, you get better with honesty," says Hill. "Everything is out in the open and you have an honest relationship according to your man's biology, not according to some outdated social norms."
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