"How to Deal With Angry Feminists," courtesy of AskMen.com. I especially like how they got a woman to author the piece, to give it that extra bit of "everyone hates angry feminists."
Bonus points for equating "angry" with "man-hating."
Despite feminists' reputation, and contra my own individual reputation cultivated over five years of public opinion-making, I am not a man-hater. But I am occasionally an angry feminist. And with good reason: There is still an enormous amount of kyriarchal oppression in the world.
Sometimes, I am even angry at a man, or specific men, because they have earned my ire, via some expression of male privilege or display of misogyny, or some other kind of bigotry.
I find those are the men who are most inclined to accuse me of man-hating, because it is easier to believe I have a blanket hatred for all men than a justifiable anger toward them, for which they hold the responsibility, rather than I.
[H/T to Shaker somebodyoranother.]
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