The Frisky: 22 Things You Should Forgive Your Boyfriend For.
Generally, I just find compilations like this so banal that they hardly merit comment. Which is not to say they're benign: Even the opening salvo, "Forgetting to put the toilet seat down," disappears the many disabled women for whom a partner routinely forgetting to put the seat down is more than a minor inconvenience.
But this list, in addition to the usual curious exhortations to women to overlook some habits that may well indicate a potentially troublesome lack of respect, includes, in its final line, this:
22. Repeatedly trying to talk you into analWow.
Yeah, um, bullying a partner to try to get hir to submit to a sexual act in which zie isn't interested isn't actually forgivable. (Or it shouldn't be.) It's a huge red flag that you're dealing with someone who doesn't have much interest in the concept of enthusiastic consent.
And when that red flag's a-wavin', walk the other way.
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