Today in Canine Teaspooning

After Dudley found success in his role as greyhound ambassador at the County Fair, I decided to take him last night to an event held by the rescue at a local library, Greyt Readers, where kids (and adults) can meet and interact with the greyhounds, and, if they like, read to them. And he was, as ever, a GOOD BOY!

Image Description: Dudley lies amongst other greyhounds, half of whom are in foster care awaiting adoption from forever families, and beside a teenager, J, who loves animals and also participates in a local horse riding program for special needs children. After this picture, Dudley curled up next to him and let J throw his arm across his shoulders.

Image Description: J reads a book about greyhounds to the greyhounds.

Image Description: Iain met us at the library after work. Dudley was happy to see his pop, and his tail is just a blur of happy wagging.

Image Description: Dudley lies on the floor of the library with rows of books behind him.

Image Description: Dudley greets a little boy with a kiss on the face.

Image Description: Dudley, Patty (a brindle greyhound), and Blackberry (a black greyhound) look at the action in the middle of the space.

Image Description: Patty and Blackberry, who are both being fostered while awaiting permanent homes, cuddle near their foster dad.



Image Description: Star, who, like Dudley, found his forever home earlier this year, lounges handsomely while receiving attention from the kids.

Dudley became a part of our lives because of people who generously donate their time and personal resources to saving greyhounds, and we can't think of a better way to thank them than to pay that forward, in the hope of helping another family, or another dog.

Find out more about rescuing retired racing greyhounds here.

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