News out of Sudan that after last year's floggings of women arrested for wearing trousers, 19 young Muslim men have been publicly flogged after being arrested "dressed in women's clothes".
I haven't called it Today in Transphobia only because we can't tell from the article whether the victims of this "justice" identify themselves as trans people or not, though it's fairly clear that the implications of this for trans people in the Sudan are...not positive*. In any case, it's another instance of religious beliefs being privileged over people's rights to identity and, y'know, not being fucking flogged for being yourself.
As usual, I recommend letters to the Sudanese embassy near you, politely reminding them that the world is watching. I recommend politeness because embassies will basically ignore, or report to the police, any threatening or profanity-filled letters.
You could also consider your country's ministry of foreign affairs, or whatever they call the people who do your country's diplomacy.
* FSV of "not positive" to mean "completely fucking appalling".
Tip of the CaitieCap to MzR.
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