A father, interviewed by Melissa Jeltsen at the Children's Hospital Boston's pediatric health blog, discusses the change in his understanding necessary for his transition from the father he was raised to be, to the father his daughter needs and deserves in Father of a transgender tween speaks out.
The story of that father's daughter and her treatment to halt puberty until she is old enough to decide on what further medical steps she wants to take in her transition, is here: Children’s gives transgender tween new hope
(H/T to Helen Boyd, via FWD)
Womanist Musings — Guest poster Lisa invites submissions for "an anthology of letters and other works created for survivors of sexual violence, from other survivors and allies" which she is editing. Call For Submission - Dear Sister
Womanist Musings — Sparky took a nasty spill at work, and needed the comfort of his Beloved to soothe his pain. Naturally, his colleagues and the hospital staff immediately set about bringing them together. Oh, wait — they're gay. Spark of Wisdom: Gay Men Have Husbands as Next of Kin.
Womanist Musings — Renee combs through the many layers of fail which have been piled on to a story of a woman who was attacked and the brother who came to her aid. Brother Saves Sister From Rapist and Now Antoine Dodson is an Internet Sensation.
Consortiumnews.com — Big Oil has been threatening the coastal Louisiana homeland of Native Americans for years. Dennis Bernstein talks to members of several tribes about their struggle to protect their homes and sacred sites from the BP spill and the maneuvering of outsiders: BP Oil Spill Threatens Bayou Tribes.
Forward/FWD — s.e. smith writes about the vulnerability of impoverished communities to HIV: CDC Study Reveals Poverty as Major Contributing Factor for HIV Infection.
Forward/FWD — s.e. also encourages us USians to urge our Senators to support HR3101, the House version of legislation which will move us closer to the provision of captions on video content generated for the internet. s.e. provides an explanation and a sample letter for guidance. US Action Item: Encourage the Senate to Adopt HR3101
What sort of thought process goes on in the minds of evo-psych
(H/T to CaitieCat)
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