I implore President Obama and his Justice Department NOT to appeal the ruling by Judge Phillips. Like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown did by refusing to defend Prop 8 in California, the President and the DoJ can refuse to appeal this DADT ruling. They can refuse to lift a finger and not waste any energy, statements, or money defending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the courts.Lt. Choi also links to the Courage Campaign's Keep The Promise page, where there is a video of Sen. Harry Reid being interviewed at last July's Netroots Nation by Joan McCarter, who hands Sen. Reid Lt. Choi's West Point ring.
Subsequently, Lt. Choi and Sen. Reid meet briefly onstage, and Sen. Reid, having agreed to keep the ring until DADT is repealed, is told by Lt. Choi that he will hold the Senator accountable. I urge you to watch the video. Have a tissue handy.
Then add your name to the letter on the same page, which Lt. Choi is sending to Sen. Reid. Lt. Choi is keeping his promise to hold Sen. Reid accountable, by asking the Senator to ensure that the Senate votes on the Defense Authorization bill containing the repeal of DADT during the week of September 20, which will be the last opportunity to do so before the November election — an election which could make repeal more difficult.
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