Dudley was really not ready to go back in the house after our noon potty break, so I grabbed my notebook, popped a squat in the grass, and wrote this post longhand to give him a chance to lie in the sunshine. When he was ready to go back in, he came over into the shade, nudged my cheek with his nose, and flopped down beside me to patiently wait until I was done writing.
Daily Dose o' Cute
Dudley was really not ready to go back in the house after our noon potty break, so I grabbed my notebook, popped a squat in the grass, and wrote this post longhand to give him a chance to lie in the sunshine. When he was ready to go back in, he came over into the shade, nudged my cheek with his nose, and flopped down beside me to patiently wait until I was done writing.
The Dud Abides
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