In yesterday's "How to Fuck" thread, Shaker Jon_Erikson brought up a question about how to have a discussion with a sex partner about frequency without being indirectly coercive.
Lots of conversations with partners about sex can be fraught for the same reasons: Discussions about frequency, about the time of day you prefer having sex, about the ways you like have sex, about fetishes.
And conversations with children about sex can be fraught for other reasons altogether. It's also one of the most frequent subjects about which I get emails soliciting advice and/or good reading materials.
So, this is a thread to talk about how to have conversations about sex.
"How do I talk to my partner about wanting more/less sex?"
"What should we do when I like sex at night and zie likes it in the morning?"
"How do other people navigate one partner's natural lulls in sex drive?"
"How do I introduce the subject of sex to young children in an age-appropriate way?"
"How do I talk to my kids about sex without being heterocentrist?"
"How to I broach the subject with older kids on the cusp of sexual experimentation without alienating them?"
This thread is about sex-related communications. The thread about the physical aspects of sex is here.
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