Dear Morrissey:
You, sir, are an arse.
I was already disillusioned with you for your continued support of PETA, despite their continuous use of shocking, offensive, and profoundly contemptible stunts that are ostensibly done to garner attention for mistreated animals, but are quite evidently designed merely to generate controversy and free publicity for their organization.
That you would lend your imprimatur to an organization that does not object to resorting to misogyny, racism, fat hatred, and other human oppressions in pursuit of animal rights, despite your assertions to advocate equality, was deeply disappointing.
That you would embrace the strategy yourself is hurtful in ways I cannot begin to convey.
I understand the treatment of animals is important to you. I was under the impression that the treatment of humans was, too.
I am desperately sorry to have been mistaken.
P.S. If you want to be the kind of person who rightfully notes ironies like how the US advertises its freedom and equality, but has never had a female or gay president, you can't be the kind of person who goes around referring to entire countries of people as "subspecies." Engaging in eliminationist hyperbole is not just needlessly vicious; it has also undermined your own credibility as a social justice advocate.
Cc. Mar (who sent it by email and thus gets the hat tip).
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