Local Man is the New "Guy Who Is Bad at Using Metaphor"

[So..... I accidentally published this while it was still a really rough draft (thank you unwanted shortcut keys!), but wev... Hopefully you get the point.]

Are Muslims the New Gays? No, really, are they?

To paraphrase Liss: No.

No because it was horrible when The Advocate tried it.

No because it involves the fact that gay people are the past and current gay people who still face a variety of struggles for social justice.

No because of intersectionality. Gay Muslims exist. See a discussion of African-American gays re: The Advocate totally fucking up.

In conclusion, the column "Muslims are the New Gays in America" is a land of contrasts. While the column makes some very good points, some interesting points, and some good, interesting points, it also no. Just no.

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