Quote of the Day
"It is also true that 'I know better than you what you should do with your body and I insist on the socially-sanctioned right to tell you (and to enforce it)' is a fundamental strategy for controlling women. Make our bodies fair game for public discussion and public worry and public scrutiny and you can keep us in line. … Is it really not clear to feminists how the 'obesity epidemic' is about reasserting the right to police women's bodies? Except now, we're doing it for your health! When people talk wistfully about how 'nobody cooks at home anymore' who do you think that 'nobody' used to be? When people talk about how kids don't get the same free reign of the neighborhoods they used to have, who is the unspoken monitor of all that free time? … I just don't see how any discussion that involves people policing women's bodies and trying to dictate what women do with them can ever be feminist."—Aunt B. on why fat is a feminist issue.
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