Data reported by the Population Reference Bureau, a Washington-based research organization that comes up with global demographic stats, show that the number of American young adults, aged 25-34, have dropped a dramatic 10 percentage points between 2000 and 2009 from 55.1% to 44.9%, citing the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey. Among the total population, aged 18 or older, marriage dropped from 57% in 2000 to 52% in 2009.I blame feminism!
The numbers are the lowest since the Census Bureau began counting marriage a century ago.
You know, if the People Who Care About These Things want to bump up those marriage rates, they could try legalizing same-sex marriage.
But, of course, it's really not marriage over which they're wringing their beringed hands; it it were, the fact that "90% of adults will get married at some point in their lives," thus suggesting not fewer marriages but merely delayed marriages, would soothe their alarm. What it's really about is protecting the proud tradition of male supremacy, of which early marriage (and childbearing) has long been an integral part.
Ah well. Female equality's a bitch. *rimshot*
(Btw/TW: A million demerits for the image accompanying the article and the lede equating marriage to "clubbing someone over the head." Whoops you forgot to flip your calendar to the 21st century!)
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