This is why Sarah Palin makes me want to barf: Because she frequently credits to "God" what is rightly attributable to privilege, and says things like "The government that governs least governs best," and "Why is it called the far right when it is just common sense?" which, given the current state of conservatism and its reliance on turning marginalized populations into wedge issues, is just a more polite way of saying, "Stereotypes exist because they're true."
Palin's primary talent as a politician is delivering a steady stream of pandering mendacity without a hint of compunction to people who long desperately for scapegoats, lest they have to at long last admit gormless complicity via ballot in the ruination of the economy that once gave them a genuinely envious standard of living.
That is an authentic political talent. It's just also a resoundingly detestable one—particularly when used to such convincing effect by a person claiming to share hir audience's onerous circumstances, advising them to pray for relief just before walking away with a five-figure speaker's fee.
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