Well, apparently he's still feelin' kinda bad about it a year later, so he's decided to apologize. Via Twitter.
Now, leaving aside how ridiculous an apology via twitter is, I'd like to point out the
He then explained, "I wrote a song for Taylor Swift that's so beautiful and I want her to have it." He added, "If she won't take it then I'll perform it for her."Can anyone else see how this is going to play out?
If she rejects the song he wrote for her or refuses to perform it, she's a total bitch.
If she rejects it, he takes her choice of having the song performed away from her and performs it anyway. He does it "for her," forcing her to "accept" this apology song. He gets to be the good guy, and she's still a total bitch. Unless she does what he wants, and performs the song, of course. She can't win.
Meanwhile, does the entertainment press focus on Taylor Swift's "choice" and make it all about her, or do they take Kanye West to task for manipulating her into a situation where she has to accept his song whether she wants to or not?
Yeah. They're all over that.
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