I'm not even going to excerpt it. Just go read the whole thing.
Really, when it comes right down to it, the Obama administration, and, by extension, the Democrats, are failing because trickle-down economics still. doesn't. work.
Bailing out the banks and doing whatever it takes to stop the stock market from going into freefall doesn't materially change the lives of average USians anymore. John Edwards may be an asshole, but he's an asshole who was right as rain about there being Two Americas. And the economies of those Two Americas are increasingly disparate.
What difference does the stock market make to your bottom line when you're hawking your shit on eBay to pay the gas bill at the rental to which you've downsized after losing your home to foreclosure after being laid off from the bootstraps factory?
Until the Democrats understand that reality, they're going to keep failing their most desperate constituency.
And leave room for the GOP to exploit the fear and hatred that breeds in the void of personal security.
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