"Feeding People Is an Act of Love, an Act of Kindness"

That I totes fancy Chef Tom Colicchio is, of course, not news, not even close, and not a secret, not even a little. As if there's still any wonder why, he continued his crusade against hunger this morning on CNN, and, despite the fact that this interview is part of a week-long focus on the "childhood obesity crisis," note that Chef Colicchio doesn't mention obesity once during this interview, nor does he even obliquely equate weight with health. He simply makes the point that fresh food with meaningful calories nourishes children's minds and bodies, making them better able to learn. And he doesn't put that responsibility on "moms," or "parents," casually ignoring the profound structural flaws that contribute to kids eating processed food at school and home. He flatly explains why a fast food hamburger costs less than a peach, and lays out why it's a social issue, a collective responsibility for the richest nation on the planet to nourish its children.

No shaming, no alarmism, no hyperbole. Just facts and compassion.

This is how it's done, right here.

[The transcript will be posted here when available.]

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