Today's New York Times contains a story titled "Democrats in Tight Races Put Focus on Abortion Rights." In other words, exactly what Liss has been saying (in that it's largely the opposite of what she's been saying).
How's the weather on planet Times?
The article discusses two races. In the case of New York, I haven't heard Cuomo say anything about abortion (or much of anything really-- the Cuomo ads I usually see feature Republicans having bipartisangasms over what a nice guy he is). The New York ad the article cites was put out by NARAL, not the Cuomo campaign. In other words, an abortion rights group is trying to put a focus on abortion rights, and some Democrats are having none of it. This is a wee bit different than the headline. Basically, there's this one Democrat in Colorado who ran an ad in favor of abortion rights, but that's not news. Or is it?
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