57: The percentage of US adults who "believe America today has become too politically correct," according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.
First of all, I hate the phrase "politically correct," which has just become a phrase used to (unsuccessfully) mask a sneering contempt for basic decency. If you're someone who has the nerve to suggest that marginalized people should be treated with dignity and respect, you're "politically correct," which not only disdains the fundamental kindness of acknowledging another person's, or one's own, agency and humanity, but also implicitly suggests that you aren't principled: You don't believe that shit; you're just being politically correct. Ugh.
Secondly, I find it hilarious that a plurality of surveyed US adults thinks the country's just gone too "politically correct" for its own good. Yes, if there's one thing I always say about the US, it's: Settle down with all the respect and equality!
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