He's such! a fucking jer-rk
Three term New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has come out in favor of the two-term limit he successfully fought to overturn way back in 2008.
First, this plays into a long and disturbing tradition of political exceptionalism, from court-packing (it might not mean what you think it does) to Spitzerism. So hooray for that.
Second, at the risk of Godwining out, this is how things go to hell in a hurry. But-but-but 2008 was practically the end of NYC, and Mayor Bloomberg was the only person in a financial capital of over 8 million people that knew enough about finance to do whatever it is he does. I know. It's just like how in light of OMG POST 9/11 REALITIES it's totes essential to suspend certain civil liberties for certain people. Look, I'm not generally a fan of term limits, but uh, altering the structure of government to respond to annually scheduled perceived emergencies isn't exactly like declaring a snow day.
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